5th International Meeting of Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications (RIIAA 5.0)


  • Chair of RIIAA Virtual, which is the virtual complement to the in-person RIIAA chapters in Mexicy City and Quito, Ecuador. RIIAA virtual is held from Sep 28 to 29, 2022.
  • Co-chair of the Community Circles (CIRCOS) Sessions.
  • Member of the RIIAA Board of Directors.

Main Activities:

  • Design plan and program for RIIAA Virtual.
  • Coordinate of a team of 6 volunteers to execute plan to run RIIAA Virtual.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with 2 other co-chairs to run the CIRCOS sessions within the RIIAA program.
    • Video playlists of these sessions can be seen on buttons at the top.


  • March 2022 - November 2022
Luz Angélica Caudillo Mata
Luz Angélica Caudillo Mata
Computational Scientist & Community Builder

Passionate about driving innovation and developing cutting-edge technology at the intersection of GeoAI and computational geosciences, while fostering collaborative communities.