Numerical Upscaling of Maxwell’s Equations and Its Application to EM Geophysical Surveys

Aug 4, 2015
Interns Summer Poster Symposium, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA

Geophysical Electromagnetic (EM) simulations in heterogeneous media are computationally expensive. One reason being the multiple length scales that coexist in a realistic setting.

Discrete models require large meshes leading to solve huge systems of equations. Element Agglomeration Multigrid (AMGe) upscaling, developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is a discretization framework for wide classes of partial differential equations and unstructured meshes. AMGe reduces significantly the computational cost while providing accurate solutions.

AMGe is implemented in the parallel distributed memory C++ library ParElag. Here, we show results of using ParElag on a synthetic example and how we plan to use it on an actual EM geophysical simulation.

Note: Project and results were presented in a poster.